Cropped Screenshot

Steps to Take Screenshot by Dragging and Selecting Screen Area


Get Started

Open the extension from your browser.


Select the Screenshot Mode

Under the "Screenshot" option, click "Crop & Capture".


Drag and Select the Screen Area

Drag and select the screen area for instant screen capture.

Alternatively, you can capture the entire screen with a single click after selecting the "Crop & Capture" mode.

Default keyboard shortcuts for taking cropped screenshots, instantly:

  • For Windows: Alt + Shift + K

  • For Mac: Control + Command + K

That's it.

The selected area is captured and can be annotated using the toolbar. You can share the screenshot using the report link. BetterBugs auto-attaches console logs, network requests, and system info with every bug report.

Note: With the cropped screenshot, you also get the fullscreen screenshot with the report. The option to auto-upload the fullscreen screenshot is marked auto-selected with every cropped screenshot. You can unmark it if not required.

You can send the complete bug report to your integrated productivity tools. For this, click "Send to your tools" at the top right section of the report screen. From the dropdown list, you can connect your existing project tool with BetterBugs and then send reports directly to tools' workspaces.

Last updated

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