📸Screen Capturing

Take Screenshots in a Blink

Short Overview 🚀

BetterBugs lets you instantly take screenshots of the bug or an issue. Along with the screenshot, developer-friendly details like console logs, network logs, and system information are also captured. This information helps to understand the issue better and helps the developers to debug faster and better.

The generated bug report is quite comprehensive, data-filled, context-rich, and user-friendly. This helps to present the issue effectively across all team members. Along with the QA engineers and developers, the reports can be easily generated and understood by project managers and support teams.

Once you capture the screen, all the relevant details and information for the issue are automatically added to it by BetterBugs. Uploading it creates a unique report link with all the details.

These reports can be easily shared with whomever you want via the unique report link generated with each report.

There are three options available while you capture the screenshot of an issue:

Technical Information Captured with the Screenshot

When you screenshot with BetterBugs, developer-friendly details are auto-captured and tagged with it. You don't have to worry about adding anything manually.

QA can send these comprehensive reports to the development team within minutes making the bug-reporting workflow frictionless.

Below is the list of technical details automatically captured and included with every report:

  • Console Statements (All, Error, Warning, Log, Info)

  • Network Requests and Logs

  • Timestamp (Timezone when you captured, Your timezone, UTC timezone)

  • URL

  • Device

  • Browser

  • Window Size

  • Screenshot Dimensions

  • Extension Version

  • App Version

  • Bug Reporter

  • IP Address

  • Country

  • Timezone

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