Login > Project Settings > Integrations
Integrate your favorite project management tool or app with BetterBugs for better bug management and faster bug reporting and debugging project workflows. With seamless integrations, you can easily share bug reports across multiple platforms. When you update your bug report, it will automatically reflect in your project management tool or app.
We know that managing bug reports can be time-consuming, but with BetterBugs' integration capabilities, you can easily keep your team and project on track. Get the most out of your project management app and save time with BetterBugs' integration.
Supported Project Management and Collaboration Tools with BetterBugs
You can check the stepwise guide to configure and integrate each project tool.
Alternatively, you can start the integration process by navigating to Project Settings > Integrations from the BetterBugs Dashboard after logging in to your account.
You can "Connect" and "Disconnect" the tools from this page.
The integrations option in Project Settings is available for both "Admin" and "Members".
You can have different integrations for different projects.
For instance, if you have 2 projects in the same workspace, Project 1 and Project 2, each project's integrations must be done separately. This keeps your projects organized and isolated for better issue management.
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