
Welcome to the BetterBugs Account Dashboard 👋

BetterBugs dashboard provides options to manage your new and existing bug reports. After you log in to your BetterBugs account, the dashboard workspace/projects/sessions list opens with all the customizations and bug management options.

Here's an overview of the options/explanations available in the Dashboard:

My Workspace (default workspace name)

It's your default workspace. It has all the options you can use as per your selected project. Based on your project (default: My Project), you can manage all you want from the workspace.


Contains the list of projects in your account.

Create New

Clicking it in the dashboard will open a modal window with all the options to create a new project for your workspace.

You can create a new project, upload an image, and customize your project privacy settings with the options "Workspace or Private".

  1. Workspace: You can configure the access permissions for the project and specify who can see the project sessions by default.

  2. Private: You can add members and configure access permissions for the project or update permissions for the sessions' visibility. You send email invites to add members to the workspace/project.

My Project (default project name)

This is the default project name assigned when you create your first bug report. The list of project names will keep adding up as you create new ones.

You can customize a project by clicking the three-dot line beside the project name list and selecting the "Project Settings" option from it. You can add project members with the "Invite Members" option using their email addresses.

Alternatively, you can access all project settings by clicking the gear icon next to the project name displayed at the top of your sessions grid/UI.

Invite Team Members

Click this option to invite other members to your workspace with their emails. You can also assign roles namely Member and Admin.

Workspace Settings (Admin Access Only)

As an Admin, you can customize the workspace name, profile image, company location, company size, and industry from the workspace general settings option. You can also configure settings for workspace members settings.

Get Chrome Extension

A link to download BetterBugs free Chrome extension.

Profile Details

Click the > a button placed beside your name and email to customize your profile. You also get the Logout option from here.

Search for sessions

You can search for bug reports for the particular project session.


You can apply Session Filters for your sessions to search through your reports with multiple search fields.

Last updated

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